Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.

I've spent all of 2011 complaining. I know I have, bitching about some guy whose name I won't remember a few years from now. It's okay though, it was a hard year. I got over depression, self harming, and multiple things all by myself. I didn't have any help. I did thing that no ones knows. I'm not here to pat myself on my back, I'm here to tell you all my plan.
This year, I'm going to use this year for my happiness. I'm going to change my old way of looking out for other people who don't look out for me in return. I'm putting myself and my life before others, because for so long, I did the opposite. I didn't care what became of me, so I would do the most wreck-less things too myself, and I didn't care. I'm changing that now. I matter, and I'm going to make sure that I remember that. :)
I just realized that I never showed you guys my nephew?! Here he is; Lucas Joseph, born September 25, 2011. The best thing that happened all year.

Happy New Year! Hope it's a good one. ♥
X's and O's, Hannah. ♥


  1. Most freaking adorable baby. Ever. I love his expression, you're so lucky!
    "I'm going to change my old way of looking out for other people who don't look out for me in return. I'm putting myself and my life before others, because for so long, I did the opposite." I think this pretty much sums me up... it's weird to read other peoples' blog posts and see yourself in what they write.

    Happy New Year. :)

  2. i am with you 100% on this one: using this year for happiness, changing bad habits, and looking out for myself. Any thing else is really not worth it!

    Your nephew is absolutely ADORABLE<3

    Happy New Year!


Kiss my heart.